Unintentionally Blank

Phil Nash on the Internet, Web Standards and Accessibility

Google Flatters Me: When SEO Goes Right

May 29, 2007

by Phil Nash

Watching the keywords that drive traffic to your site or blog can show a few things; the interest in certain posts, whether users are finding what they search for when they arrive at your site and the amusing combinations and events that conspire to cause one of my posts to appear as result number 31 for the phrase "strange experience blindfold".

Another interesting result turned up two days ago, when I received a couple of visits for the search top wordpress designs. Whilst touched that Google considered my design to be one of the top WordPress designs, I didn't believe them and decided to look closer into why I appeared so high up the ranks for these keywords.

A Number Of Factors, But One Stands Out

Any SEO expert will tell you that there are a number of factors that decide on your position in the results for any phrase, but I want to focus on seemingly the most important factor here.

Have a look at the results, particularly the keywords from the search term and how many appear in the top result. All four appear in the title of the top result.

The page from Unintentionally Blank that appears in these search results has three out of the four keywords in the title element of the page.

Pay Attention To Your Title

Neither of these two pages talk about the top WordPress blog designs. In fact, none of the top 10 results do. The top results do have the specified keywords in their page title though.

Do I need to make it any clearer?

The title element is one of the most important elements on your page, make it relevant and the search engines will come looking.

Unintentionally Blank is Phil Nash's thoughts on web development from 2006-2008. Any code or opinions may be out of date.